Discover Proferan Today

Make your Financial Report with Proferan

Proferan is a WebApp that helps MSMEs to create simple financial reports. Proferan also provides education to MSMEs about accounting applications.

User Manual Book

The Proferan manual aims to provide users with an understanding of how to use financial reports to make better business decisions. With clear and practical explanations, users are given insight into how to analyze the financial information available in the report, such as whether they should still take on additional debt or not.

This helps users make smarter, fact-based financial decisions, thereby increasing the likelihood of their business success. In this way, the user manual serves not only as a technical guide, but also as a valuable source of knowledge to support users in managing their business more effectively.

Simple & Easy to Use

Proferan is an accounting application designed with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. With a simple and intuitive interface, Proferan allows users without a strong accounting background to quickly and easily manage their business finances.

The application's ability to present financial information in an easy-to-understand manner helps users better understand the financial condition of their business. In this way, Proferan is not only a tool for recording financial transactions but also a trustworthy partner for entrepreneurs in managing their finances effectively.

Awesome Support for MSMEs

Proferan provides targeted financial reporting solutions for micro and small businesses, enabling users to carefully track and understand their finances better. With reports tailored to the scale and needs of their business, users can easily monitor cash flow, evaluate performance, and make more informed decisions based on accurate and relevant information. It helps users in managing their finances with efficiency and increases the chances of success of their business.

With Proferan, users can have the right tools to better manage their finances, without having to worry about the complexity or mismatch of financial reports with their business needs.

Our Visi & Misi

Our Visi & Misi


To simplify and democratize financial management for small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).


Proferan strives to be the all-in-one financial management solution for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Our mission is to empower business owners, regardless of their accounting background, by providing an intuitive and user-friendly accounting application. This empowers them to effortlessly understand the financial health of their business, making informed decisions, and ultimately promoting growth and sustainability through optimal financial management. We don't just record transactions, we become a trusted partner in your financial journey.


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Our Team

Our Awesome Proferan Team Creative

" The designer of this theme delivered a quality product. I am not a front-end developer and I hate when the theme I download has glitches or needs minor tweaks here and there. This worked for my needs just out of the boxes. Also, it is fast and elegant."

- Accounting

Andreas Kevin

" Extremely well designed and the documentation is very well done. Super happy with the purchase and definitely recommend this! "

- Fullstack Developer


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